Is the next one yours?/ Book a chat

Source: If you are interested in undertaking this journey with us, it is necessary to book well in advance because this activity is very demanding and we have to manage it with dedicated expert collaborators and this must be planned in advance. We are currently working on two start-ups at the same time a) […]
Lead Generation/ Marketing Content Hub

Source: Generating leads is not easy considering that your competitors are more and more numerous on the Internet and therefore you have to win the competition to grab leads that would be tempted to go to your competitors more and more competWe took our cue from a methodology set by to get the […]
Why eCaaS/ eCommerce-as-a-Service

Source: Things seem easy before starting, when your business idea has just come out of the drawer and you realize that the offers on the market don’t satisfy you 100%. Because if you want to sell B2B services, you immediately discover that there are no global services marketplaces that have been successful. There are […]
The case of the doctor Brown
Il medico dr. Brown titolare del clinical analysis laboratory Brown deve mandare il referto delle analisi del sangue al suo cliente sig. Smith. Apre il suo browser preferito digita e clicca “Compose Email”e scrive il suo messaggio e allega il documento “referto-Smith.pdf”. Il signor Smith vede sul suo OutLook il messaggio e-mail in arrivo […]
Why Gmail shouldn’t be used
Gmail is a popular way for businesses to share and receive contracts. But few do it efficiently. This guide to Gmail contract management explains how businesses can improve the way they store, track and manage contracts in Gmail for a better, more efficient contract workflow. What is Gmail? Google Mail (Gmail) is a web-based email […]
quali professionisti sono più esposti al rischio di divulgazione dei dati personali
1.Agenti di cambio 2.Agronomi e Forestali 3.Agrotecnici 4.Architetti, pianificatori, paesaggisti e conservatori 5.Assistenti Sociali 6.Attuari 7.Avvocati 8.Biologi 9.Chimici 10.Commercialisti ed esperti contabili 11.Consulenti del Lavoro 12.Consulenti in proprietà Industriale 13.Farmacisti 14.Geologi 15.Geometri 16.Giornalisti 17.Guide Alpine e Maestri di Sci 18. Infermieri 19. Ingegneri 20. Medici e Odontoiatri 21. Notai 22. Ostetriche 23. Periti Agrari 24. […]
Benefits: Marketing, Sales, Operations, Profitability
Source: Custom application optimized on customer needs; Development costs comparable to a PHP/WordPress application (no suitable plug-ins were found); More robust maintenance because it is totally independent from the versioning of all WordPress/PHP environments etc.; Better performance because it uses professional software development methods with compiled and uninterpreted executables. Greater autonomy because it is […]
Source: Using a SQL server database in a Linux environment to take advantage of the same digital sovereignty VPS that is a Linux machine. This was possible using docker. We installed SQL server on an Obuntu Linux machine using this procedure. We activated the dot NET core environment on Linux using this procedure We […]
Source: Source: Source: Source: Source: Source: The application consists of four steps: Step1 the web page provides the list of all 300 stock exchanges. The web user opens the stock exchange which now displays all of the approximately 30 types of tradable securities on that stock exchange. The web […]
From the Business Idea to the Operation
Source: This very unique solution could not have been found among the 60,000+ WordPress plugins. So there was nothing to do but start developing the application. The doubt remained about the type of architecture, the language, the method of integration, and the framework in which to develop the application. In this case the obvious […]