Altos Web Solutions, inc. – 5725 Bravo Ave, Reno, NV 89506 USA

Age of Innovation


Age of Innovation


In the Age of Innovation, the following paradigms are extraordinarily valid: 

  • Creating customer value as the main foundation of everything the company does.
  • Release up talent because talent is now driving strategy, rather than the other way around.
  • Develop the network of expertise rather than a hierarchical authority.
  • create new businesses, new business models, platforms and ecosystems and manage data as an asset.

In the Golden Age of Innovation, the innovation process can lead to a competitive advantage while creating value for your company, including shareholders, customers and employees.

References and links

References and links

The New Age of Innovation
Driving co-created valuesvthrough global network
C.K. Prahalad, M.S. Krishnan
McGraw-Hill , 2008

This book opened our mind…
First, value will increasingly be cocreated with consumer.
Second, no single firm has the knowledge, skills, and resources it needs to cocreate valuev with consumers.
Third, the emerging markets can be a source of innovation.

Other references

McKinsey has listed 10 top trendes and below those we are most focused on

  • Cloud and edge computing
  • Trust architecture and digital identity
  • Web3
  • Next-generaton sotware development
  • Future of Sustainable consumptions


don’t wait to innovate
make sustainability part of your strategy
explore best practices for innovation


Why We Live In A Golden Age Of Innovation
A Revolutionary New Way Of Managing
A New Meta-model Of Management
A Mass Human Flourishing?


Digital Transformation

Defining digital transformation

Defining digital transformation

The term “digital transformation” has evolved from a buzzword to a must-have business strategy, and it shows no signs of slowing down.

The surveys carried out on many managers of small, medium and large companies have given answers which can be summarized in the following points:

How the company needs to change
ADAPTABLE: The company must be able to personalize, differentiate or localize customer digital experiences with thin layers of technology to also deliver microservices via low-code tools and marketplace apps.

CREATIVE: Creative thinking must guide the implementation of new business models.

RESILIENT: Moving to hybrid cloud is a resiliency strategy to distribute risk between cloud and on-premises execution in data centers. The cloud is the best way to protect yourself from many of the risks that the company risks running.

How are the Investment trends
In fact, worldwide spending on these projects is projected to exceed $2.1 trillion by 2022.
Digital transformation is in third place of the initiatives that companies are taking and investing.
But it is while the cloud that is in first place in second place goes security on par with AI

Where there are the competitive advantages
Strategic digital transformation has moved beyond IT to impact entire businesses, with the ultimate goal of modernizing the way businesses work, compete and evolve.
To create a competitive advantage, you must abandon design innovation and aim for innovation that allows for continuous implementation.
You can find transformational initiatives in professional sports, shipping, food service, retail, transport, mining, in short, no sector is left out.

What are the 3 pillars of digital transofrmation:

When and Why

When and Why

Goals to focus on

  1. Cost reduction through new technologies (e.g. cloud migrations or automation)
  2. Improvements of current products or services through digital technologies (for example, an app that pairs with a physical product)
  3. Creating operational flexibility (e.g. remote/hybrid work tools)

In the IT which are the actions to implement.
Business and technology leaders are looking to modernize digital experiences for both customers and employees.
They are looking to implement new features quickly and with limited risk and exactly on three pillars of technology: Platforms, practices and partners:

Primarily, focused on a cloud-based PaaS (Platform-as-a-service) so that we can add large numbers of new customers and partners quickly.
And development teams want to implement modular architectures to more easily adapt to rapid changes.
At 42%, digital capabilities centered around collaboration tools brought the greatest benefit to respondents in 2021. Cloud computing for systems like HR, CRM, ERP, and Office Systems was a boon for 17% of respondents, and l ‘8% of respondents reported data analytics was the digital technology that delivered the greatest benefits in 2021.

The majority of respondents (68%) focused on implementing remote digital technology that could facilitate collaboration, digital and online training (56%) and IT and business process automation (39%).

customer obsession by improving digital customer acquisition, digital engagement and customer experience.

Improvements in customer experience and delivery of business value include:

Reduction of the activation time of a new feature in less than -80%

An average increase of 10 points in its Net Promoter Score℠ (NPS)

build Client Insights platform to unlock new opportunities.

How Digital Transformation Help Reduce Costs By Up To 90%

How Digital Transformation Help Reduce Costs By Up To 90%

According to global consultancy firm Capgemini, 87% of businesses believe that digital transformation provides the opportunity to gain a competitive advantage in the marketplace.

Better Engage With Your Customers
Microsoft have recently stated that by 2020, customer experience will overtake price and product as the key brand differentiator. Customers now expect to have what they want, when they want it, with supreme value and superior experience from any device. So it’s vital that technology becomes part of your digital transformation strategy.

It may involve using data & analytics to track buying behaviour, introducing digital communication channels, or creating a digital feedback loop. Ultimately, digitizing how you communicate and interact with your customer base, will be key to delivering a seamless user-experience.

PROCESS: Optimize Your Operations
A report by McKinsey suggests that, to meet the high expectations sought by customers, companies must accelerate the digitization of their business processes. Using digital technologies and analytics can help you to increase productivity through slicker, streamlined operations.
Business process mining is another important aspect of successful digital transformations. This technique allows organizations to map out their current business processes, identify gaps and opportunities, and then redesign processes to be more efficient and effective. Business process mining can be performed manually or through the use of software that automates the process.

PEOPLE: Empower Your Employees
Without an intentional organizational change management strategy, organizations will fail as they help their employees cross the bridge from one operation to the next. Organizational change management is a critical success factor in any digital transformation initiative. Without the right tools and processes in place, an organization will struggle to manage the expectations of all stakeholders, both internally and externally.

Digital transformations are a complex topic with multiple faucets of intricate practices in order to see success. Flipping an organization from one side of the coin to the other is no small task, and it can often be the most expensive and time-consuming project an organization can take on. For that reason, business leaders must understand the nuances of business transformation, digital transformation, and become familiar with the 3 pillars of digital transformation: people, processes, and technology.
Finally, technology is a key enabler of digital transformations. The right software can help organizations automate manual processes, improve communication and collaboration between employees, and make decisions more quickly. Many people get hung up in the software selection process, but the reality is, if due diligence is done before reaching the technology pillar of a digital transformation, it will be easier to come up with a shortlist of technologies that would fill the need

By digitizing information-intensive processes, costs can be cut by up to 90%. You’ll also begin to notice significant time savings, allowing you to free up resources and focus on your core business objectives.


The AWS proposition powers your digital transformation

The AWS proposition powers your digital transformation 

This is the road map we intend to offer you

  1. We listen to your needs and what you think can be optimised, improved also with a view to making processes more fluid, faster and cheaper, using up the time of interbe resources and making the customer more satisfied and therefore available to renew the his trust in your company and make himself available to give you nine business opportunities
  2. We will prepare a financial plan which indicates the investment values, the operational break-even point, the ROI. The values indicated will have indicated a percentage oscillation which will be reset following further checks to be carried out before starting the intervention.
  3. We will give you our version of the financial plan following your promise to refund us $100.00 if you like the financial plan.
  4. After your first commitment we will prepare a commercial offer that considers the timing of the interventions, their cost, the distribution of our invoices during the development of the solution (milestones) and a significant part of our remuneration will be bound to the execution times and the achievement of the milestones and objectives indicated.
  5. You will be able to accept the offer during the validity period or not to approve it without any constraint or prejudice on our part.

Metrics & KPI

Metrics & KPI 

How can digitalization be measured?
There are two ways to measure the impact of digital transformation: through metrics and by the qualitative analysis of your business. These metrics can include customer satisfaction scores, revenue growth and retention, and employee productivity.

What are the important digital transformation KPIs and metrics to monitor?

  • Usage Metrics.
  • Productivity.
  • Cost and Investment.
  • User Experience.
  • Customer experience.
  • ROI.
  • Digital Adoption.
  • Performance.


References & Link

References & Link

According to Research & Marketers, the digital transformation market is expected to reach as much as 1,009.8 billion dollars by 2025 with an annual growth rate of 16.5%.

But why is Digital Transformation so important for companies? First of all, because already two years ago 89% of companies had adopted, or were about to adopt, digital-focused strategies.

In the past, a fixed price was paid for a product or service; today the most profitable companies have changed the reference basis of the price metric, moving from price per unit to price per use over time, by use (e.g. based on km, kg or clicks), by satisfaction (or success) , per package etc. This is in line with what was claimed by one of the world’s leading management thinkers, namely Peter Drucker who said: “customers do not buy products but the benefits that come from them”. As a result, I have to align my revenue model with the benefits it generates.

Business Model Innovation

What is a business model?

What is a business model? 

We live in an age of temporary competitive advantage.

A business model is a document or strategy which outlines how a business or organization delivers value to its customers. In its simplest form, a business model provides information about an organization’s target market, that market’s needs, and the role that the business’s products or services will play in meeting those needs.
Business model innovation, then, describes the process by which an organization adjusts its business model. Often, this innovation reflects a fundamental change in how a company delivers value to its customers, whether that’s through the development of new revenue streams or distribution channels.

Using the St. Gallen University definition: A business model defines who your customers are, what you sell, how you produce your offering and why your business is profitable. Who-What-How-Why describe a business model: The first two elements (Who-What) concern the external aspects, How-why concern the internal dimensions.


The four dimensions of the business model

The four dimensions of the business model

  • The Customer: Who are your target customers? Customers are at the heart of your business model, always. No exceptions
  • The Value Proposition: What do you offer our customers? Describes how you cater to the needs of your target customers
  • The value chain: how do you produce your offer? What processes and what activities you need to activate and with what resources and with what coordination
  • The profit mechanism: Why does it generate profit? Describes cost structures, revenue generation mechanisms. Clarifies what makes financially. In other words: how do you produce value for your shareholders and your stakeholders?

Here is a video that describes these concepts in a very simple way

The business model creates value perceived by the customer and evaluating how much of this value is inside the business model the questions to ask are: Who, What, How, Why.
The answer to these questions must be better than that of the dominant company.

Why its advantages are so important

Why its advantages are so important

Until recently, managers have been busy devising product or process innovations that are analyzed and tested separately.

The business model, on the other hand, influences at least two of the four dimensions simultaneously because all four are considered together: Who-what-How-why

That is, if the business model is successful, it creates value for customers and creates value for the company. So it’s a more holistic approach.

Our proposal

Our proposal

We can help you generate a new business model suitable for your product/service using the methods learned in previous cases to test it “in vitro” before testing it in the field.
Our task will be to present you a small selection of business models accompanied by an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of each one, offering you a series of successful cases that have used similar business models.

Therefore, our goal is to save you time and add new ideas to your think tank to draw on for your final decision.

References & Links

References & Links

The Business Model Navigator: 55 Models that will Revolutionise Your Business
Oliver Gassmann, Karolin Frankenberger and Michaela Csik

This book has international significance. It was edited by the prestigious business school University of St. Gallen in Zurich and whose research lasted 5 years.

The purpose of the book is to offer a practical method to use the 55 basic types of business models from which to be able to create new ones as a recombination of these 55 patterns. It describes many successful cases and through the theoretical approach of the book you will be able to generate new models that could be just as successful, saving you a lot of time for setting them up.


Some best cases

Some best cases

To understand more quickly the soul of the concept of business model, just a few examples that have brought planetary success are valid. But it can be said that all successful business cases come from a successful business model.

What is Google’s secret for being among the top 5 most capitalized companies in the world and at the same time offering many services perceived to be of great value by all internet users in the world?
All this starting from a search engine!

Which manages to sell coffee at $ 80.00 per KG.

that puts the private facts of each of its users on the streets!

The largest bookstore in the world that does not have any books

The largest music distributor even if it does not sell any CDs

The largest telecommunications provider even if it does not have any network infrastructure

The biggest accommodation provider in the world does not own a single room. Airbnb does not rent the accommodation from the host but conveys only between supply and demand.

Hilti has disrupted the market by shifting from a purchase to a transaction/rental based business model. They realized that their customers’ need is not to own a reliable tool rather than having the right tool at the right time. They are handling the maintenance of the tools and their customers simply rent their tools whenever they need it. Thus, their customers don’t have to have every single tool they would possibly need in their stock.

Business Plan

What is it?

What is it?

The basic concepts of a business plan:
Marketing plan
“A marketing plan is a strategic roadmap that businesses use to organize, execute, and track their marketing strategy over a given period. Marketing plans can include different marketing strategies for various marketing teams across the company, all working toward the same business goals.”

Organizational plan
Organizational planning is how business owners organize the day-to-day operations of a business. This can range from simple things, like the companies’ reason for existence, to more complex considerations, like setting goals to realize a specific objective. You use the organizational plan as a framework for creating tasks that, when executed, will allow the company to achieve its goal.

Financial plan
A financial plan is a document that covers an individual’s current financial situation, short-term and long-term economic goals, and an in-depth strategy to achieve the goals.


When, and why you get the benefits

When, and why you get the benefits 

Because it summarizes the road map to achieve your goals and describes all the resources you will use and why.
So, the company and your boss know the exact time, costs, resources and any details you will use.
When this business plan is approved by your boss, you definitely don’t need any further approvals down the road, and you have the milestones that your boss can oversee and won’t bother you any more than that.
The business plan contains:

  1. State the mission of your business.
  2. Determine KPIs for this mission.
  3. Identify your buyer personas.
  4. Describe your content initiatives and strategies.
  5. Clearly state the omissions of your plan.
  6. Define your marketing budget.
  7. Identify your competition.
  8. Outline the contributors to your plan and their responsibilities.

Outline the contributors to your plan and their responsibilities.

Quick glossary

Quick glossary

Anything of worth that is owned. Accounts receivable are an asset

The amount of money remaining in an account

Break-even Analysis
A method used to determine the point at which the business will neither make a profit nor incur a loss. That pont is expressed in ither the total dollars of revenue exactly offset by total  expenses or in total units of production, the cost of which exactly equals the income derived by their sale

A plan expressed in financial terms

Money available to invest or the total of accumulated asse available for production

Money in hand or readly available

Cash Flow
The actual movement of cash into and out of business: cash inflow and cash

That money that is owed

A decrease in value through age, wear, or deterioration. Depreciation is a normal expense of oing business which must be taken into account. There are laws and regulations governing the manner and time priods that may be used for epreciation.

Elevator Pitch
An elevator pitch is a brief (think 30 seconds!) way of introducing yourself, getting across a key point or two, and making a connection with someone. It’s called an elevator pitch because it takes roughly the amount of time you’d spend riding an elevator with someone.

The monetary value of a property or business that exceeds the claims and/or liens against it by others.

Exit Strategy Startup
A business exit strategy is an entrepreneur’s strategic plan to sell their ownership in a company to investors or another company. An exit strategy gives a business owner a way to reduce or liquidate their stake in a business and, if the business is successful, make a substantial profit.

Fixed Expenses
Those costs that don’t vary from one period to the next. Generally, these expenses are not affected by the volume of business. Fixed expenses are the basic costs that every business will have each month.

Forecasting involves making predictions about the future. In finance, forecasting is used by companies to estimate earnings or other data for subsequent periods. Traders and analysts use forecasts in valuation models, to time trades, and to identify trends. Forecasts are often predicated on historical data.

Overall total before deduction

A long term rental agreement

Money lent at interest

What is left after deducting all expenses from the gross.

Net Worth
The owner’s equity in a given business represented by the excess of the total assets over the total accounts owing to outside creditors (total liabilities) at a given moment in time. The net worth of an individual is determined by deducting the amount of all personal liabilities from the total of all personal assets.

Operating Cost
Expenditures arising out of current business activities. The costs incurred to do business: salaries, electricity, rental, deliveries, etc

Ready to be paid. One of the standard accounts kept by bookeper is “account payable”. This a list of those bills that are current and due to be paid.

Financial gain; returns over expenditures.

Profit & Loss Statement
A list of the total amont of sales (revenues) and total costs (expenses). The difference between revenues and expenses is your profit or loss. Same as income statements.

Profit Margin
The difference between your selling price and all of your costs.

Ready for payment. When you sell on credit, you keep an “account receivable” asb a record of what is owed to you and who owes it. In accounting, a “recivable” is an asset.

Return on investment

The acquisition of one company by another

Selling for resale

Working capital, net
The excess of current assets over current liabilities

Our Proposal

Our Proposal

We can design and prepare the business plan with you by your side and for any circumstances, we can support you along the way with resources and any other unexpected situation will come up.

References & Links

References & Links

Short web articles (keywords)

Financial Plan, How to write

Marketing Plan, How to write

Organizational Plan, How to Write

joanne eglash, how to write a .com business plan
pages: 191
Simple approach
PDF Version

The Marketing Plan
William A. Cohen,
Jhon Wiley & sons, Inc
Pages: 396
This book was used in the universities
Free PDF version

Anatomy of a Business Plan
Linda Pinson, Jerry Jinnet
Pages: 273
text written by faculty at Southern California at San Diego and Irvine universities
Free Pdf Version





The term was coined in 1988 by a certain Sandra Vandermerwe and Juan Rada in which product and service are combined with each other and in which services always prevail more than the product.
In other words, the product is dematerialized. Dematerialization is today the only way for sustainable economic growth because it is no longer based on the consumption of resources (hardware, machines, etc.).

A similar concept but not a synonym of this term could be “commoditization”.

to render (a good or service) widely available and interchangeable with one provided by another company: to affect (something, such as a brand or a market) by commoditizing goods or services. Fierce competition threatened to commoditize prices.

The dematerialization of the product into service implies a change in the business model.

Dematerialization is the intrinsic meaning of the term servitization. Servitization is the key to being able to support the needs of a growing and aging population as GDP declines.

In practice we will be able to do more with less and less material. Contrary to nature which runs out of saturation – at the moment – technology seems immune to saturation for a long time to come.
To date, the “less is more” rule remains respected.
Technology can do more every day than the resources used.

Kurzwel in 2005 hypothesized that in this century we will have the same criterion of acceleration of progress obtained in the last 20,000 years because technology proceeds exponentially.

Servitization makes it possible to expand the base of users who use the asset and this can only be achieved by changing the business model.
So business model and servitization are two trends that companies must know how to dominate for their survival.

To accelerate the servitization Peter Diamondis argues that technological progress is driven by digitization through 6 paradigms:

  1. Digitalizing: everything that can be digitized, will be digitized.
  2. Deceptive: Progress is exponential but human imagination is linear. So we are unable to make long and medium term forecasts.
  3. Disruptive: When new exponential factors come into play, the rules of the game change abruptly.
  4. Dematerializing: Where digital technologies are applied, dematerialization takes place and therefore the change of business models.
  5. Demonetizing: dematerialization has the consequence of demonetization because by reducing matter, the marginal cost of production is reduced.
  6. Democratizing: the effects mentioned above give the possibility to more people to access a greater number of goods, and therefore democratization.



Cost reduction: By digitizing information-intensive processes, costs can be cut by up to 90%. You’ll also begin to notice significant time savings, allowing you to free up resources and focus on your core business objectives.


Digital twins

Digital twins

Usually, this technology is applied in the real world and on a virtual level, one of its threefold is operated. Metaverse is something like this.
In the IoT this method is fundamental for the development of software that must preplicate the real situation.
But this technology is applicable in every area where you want to optimize the development of a software.

This replica is made available to digital applications via an appropriate messaging system and is historicized in a data lake that contains all digital twins and all contextualized data.

What happen now

What happen now

The considerations just described allow us to summarize in three points: demographic growth, aging of the population, growing scarcity of resources.

So a company that wants to survive the competition must regenerate its value chain based on:

  • more efficient organizational systems
  • lower production costs
  • increase in customer base.

What we can do for you

What we can do for you

If services (servitization) become extremely important and if the customer is the key that determines success, then the company must enhance the network of its partners who, with their specific skills, are able to unlock the levers of success.

  • Workforce who knows how to do customer care H24 and with quality (different languages and experience, and culture)
  • Co-creativity to regenerate new business models
  • Software developers in a cohesive team capable of modifying processes to make them increasingly digital and increasingly optimized which can reduce delivery times and costs based on quality.
  • performance economy in which the success of the company is the success of the partnership and joint venture in which customers and suppliers are on the same bank and no longer on the two banks separated by the river.

This new paradigm constitutes a great opportunity for IT companies involved in software processes because software has taken over hardware and all companies of all types increasingly need software and digitization of processes.
But software companies also need to modernize their development processes or create software in a more modular way to exploit already made and already used components instead of building new modules that are operational and functional in other applications.

The guros therefore identify the reduction of infrastructure costs by using more and more centralized clouds which can be public, private, hybrid depending on the importance of the data that is inside.
In fact, data constitute the real asset of a company and it is necessary to research the technologies that govern the data. Data are the decision-making tools for any type of business strategy for any type of business.

Altos Web Solution shares this vision and has several options that could be useful to the customer.

References & Links

References & Links


Accenture ha puntato molto su questi cncetti per sostenere la crescita innovativa

Outcome economy
An economic relationship in which payment is attached to a value achieved, rather than a service or product. Digital devices on edge are powering an Outcome Economy and enabling a new business model that shifts the focus from selling things to selling results.

Performance economy

Digital Twin

Quick Glossary & Terms

Quick Glossary & Terms

Digital replica
A digital replica is a digital recreation of a real-world object or system. It typically refers to highly accurate representations rather than simplified models. One example of a digital replica is a 3D model of an office
building, complete with electrical and plumbing systems.

Digital twin
A digital twin is much like a digital replica in that it is a digital model of a real-world object or system. The key difference is that a digital twin incorporates simulated data or data that is continuously collected from its real-world counterpart, using that data to simulate the object or system’s actions and performance in real-time. Digital twins are therefore more complete representations of the real object or system. They give teams insight into how various parts of the whole interact, or how the item interacts with other parts or systems.

It brings down the price per kilo of the hardware product. That is, less material because intelligence is achieved through interconnected software


What is it?

What is it?

Budgeting is the process of creating a plan to spend your money. This spending plan is called a budget. Creating this spending plan allows you to determine in advance whether you will have enough money to do the things you need to do or would like to do. Budgeting is simply balancing your expenses with your income.

Budget is too general a term.
For each activity it is necessary to create and manage the life cycle of a budget.
For each activity the budget is set in a different way.
We are focused on the marketing budget, the customer care budget, the commercial budget, the human resource management budget, the budget of a new business unit similar to a start-up.

Basically, the budget can be annual, quarterly or linked to a project.
The budgets are proposed by the department/project manager who may undergo modifications by their manager to align with the company’s strategic objectives.
So the budget project has an approval phase which is specific for each company.
Budgets should consider the balance between expenses, revenues and profits, with a setup similar to a general ledger.
The budget considers a temporal applicability that is specific to the project and therefore could extend for a period shorter or longer than a fiscal year and ends, in general, at the break-even or at the ROI considering the possible investment.

The budgets we find the main items which are:
Expenses (fixed, variable, semi-variable)
Revenues: fixed, variable, semi-variable
the monthly cash-flow indicating the key elements of the budget:
maximum financial criticality (Investment)
balancing of expenses and revenues at a monthly level (operating break-even)
ROI: return on investment

Which Advantages

Which Advantages

Behind the forecasts, the business plan is necessary to have a robust tool and be able to manage the forecast correctly so that the business plan is not just a document but a law that must be respected with inflexibility.

For each activity it is necessary to design the estimated budget, constantly update the current budget until the end of the project and constantly evaluate the difference between the initial budget and the current budget.

One way to keep track is to define the initial forecast (before starting) which is called the “Projected Budget” and a copy which has the name “Actual budget”.
As expenses and receipts are recorded, these move to the “Actual” Excel sheet.

The third excel sheet will have a template similar (but not the same) to the other two because there are both final prospectuses side by side from which you can easily check where the differences are with a quick glance.
What should your business budget template contain?
When making your own business budget template, make sure it contains this information:

  • Expected revenues and sales
  • Fixed costs
  • Variable costs
  • Semi-variable costs
  • Profits

Marketing Budgets

Marketing Budgets

Marketing budgets can refer to an event (one off) or to a rather long period: generally quarterly/annual.

Link of some Templates
Event budget:

Marketing Dept budget

Sales Budgets

Sales Budgets

A sales budget is a financial plan that estimates a company’s total revenue in a specific time period. It focuses on two things—the number of products sold and the price at which they are sold—to predict how the company will perform.

Link of some Templates

Customer Care Budgets

Customer Care Budgets

Link of some Templates

Start-up and/or business unit Budgets

Start-up and/or business unit Budgets

Link of some Templates

Our Commercial Proposal

Our Commercial Proposal

We can collaborate proactively both in the design phase and in the control phase during the operational period.
Control means that in the face of a deviant dynamic, financial corrective strategies will be devised that impact on the marketing and organizational aspects, which require a periodic review of the budget.
The budget will be verified at certain moments (milestones) and in those moments a revision of the project or of the team responsible for carrying out the project is necessary.
So the (financial) budget is one of the three documents that make up the business plan (Marketing Plan, Financial plan, Organizational plan)
Without the coexistence of the business plan, the budget is just an inconsistent aggregation of numbers.

Last Updated on April 28, 2024 by admin