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GDPR anatomy


  • Consent: see Art.4.11
  • Controller: see Art.4.7
  • Data Processing Officer (DPO): Definito Art.37.1
  • Data Subject: è colui di cui vanno difesi i diritti di libertà sui suoi dati
  • Personal data: see art.4.1
  • Profiling: see Art.4.4
  • Processor: see Art.4.8
  • Third party: see Art.4.10

Record-keeping platform
It is necessary to demonstrate the way and when the consent or its revocation occurred. This information can be requested by the Data Subject who has the right to a free response within 30 days of his request.
The “metadata” that must be maintained in Record-keeping are defined
Reference: Art.7.1, Art.12.1, Art.12.3, Art.12.5, Art.13.1, Art.13.2, Art.13.3, Art. 14.3

Consent must be separate from newsletter subscription.
Riference: Art.7.2, Art.7.3,

Consent obtained from a Third Party
It refers to data provided by other partners (Third party), by trade fair organizers, for example.
Reference: Art.14.1, Art.14.2

Access to your data
The Data Subject has the right to know which data are held by the various processors and to receive them in machine-readable format from the controller.
The Data Subject can request its modification or cancellation.
Reference: Art.15.1, Art.20.1, Art.21.1

Processor, rights and duties
The processor role must be governed by a contract (issued by the controller or by the processor).
The processor may appoint another processor only with the permission of the controller.
Reference: Art.28.1, Art.28.3, Art.28.4, Art.28.6

DPO, Data Processing Officer
This role is required for large volumes of data.
Reference: Art.37.1

The controller and the processor are each liable to their own share for damages caused to the Data Subject.
The Processor is liable in the event that it has not complied with the agreement governing the relationship between the Controller and the Processor.
The Processor or Controller is exempted from paying damages if he proves that he is not responsible for the damage.
So the Controller-Processor contract is absolutely essential.
Reference: Art.82.1, Art.82.2, Art.82.3

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Last Updated on April 27, 2024

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Last Updated on April 27, 2024