Excel Worksheet Optimization

Here a summary of the tips to take care of Optimize references and links: Do not use forward referencing and backward referencing; Minimize use of circular references with iteration Avoid links between workbooks; Minimize links between worksheets; Minimize the used range; Allow for extra data: Use structured table references (recommended) Alternatively, use whole column and […]
“What-if” in the Budget Application

The first step in the lengthy budget approval process starts with the individual employee in each department. When each collaborator has prepared his budget, his forecast goes up through all the hierarchical roles up to the financial manager and then to the general manager. Of course, the proposal of the single collaborator very often does […]
Excel Emulator Server & Libraries

We have tested many libraries to setup a server to elaborate Excel spread sheet. Depending on your need we could use the library that accomplishes better your requirements. below the libraries: tldevtech.com phpxlsx.com github.com docs.php.earth